For people who aren't on a 5-day-work-week like me, the long weekend officially begins today. There's nothing much on my itinerary though - blame it on a week-long battle with cough and colds. The past couple of days had been rainy, cloudy and windy. But today, sun's out and I thought I'd give my trainers the much-needed scrub. Someone has just wished on his wall for a sunny day - you're in luck buddy!
Vegan Not Yet
I thought I'd be loyal to paperbacks and hard-bounds. Now, I'm reading a third book from a tablet. The first one spoke about genetically modified foods, organic products and L-tryptophan. The book offers a wide range of easy-to-prepare and mouth-watering recipes, all healthy and yummy. But I am not ready yet. I will just continue with my no-red-meat diet, for now. The whites will still be a regular on my plate.
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Segue: went to buy my favorite vegetable lumpia from Orange Brutus and guess who I saw? The Omerta! Just read the full article where he lambasted his critics over a race he helped organize some three weeks ago. I still couldn't believe such reaction from a revered person, from the same one who a year ago called for harmony in the running scene. Some quarters vowed, including myself, that if he's the one behind a race, we'd rather go bandit!
Aaron's Game
I sat beside Aaron while having a chi-noy dinner last night. Her lola is in town for a short vacation, the dinner capped her long-day tour of Cebu. While we munched on a whole-carbo entree, Aaron was also working on his own menu - the Kung Fu food game. We ate, he played. And he giggled and giggled some more! Lola will be preparing a hot pot tonight and we will sit together again. Aaron will be in cloud nine once more. The child's joy is just priceless!
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A few days ago, I bumped into a fellow runner at the mall. Looked like he came from another workout. I asked him about his sore ankle from a few weeks back and he responded smilingly, pointing down. Yesterday, he joined the 1st USC Warrior's Run and completed this morning another half marathon in Panglao, Bohol. Unstoppable or simply a warrior? I am just amazed at how sometimes the heart and mind can overcome a physical ill like parang wala lang. Here in this photo, Al Raymond's enjoying a 42K run amidst the pain, a full marathon through the rain. Yes, I will say it again - injury is only for the strong!
photo by jameslgo
Today is the big day of a big boy who's still somewhere in Mindanao, helping, keeping insurgents at bay. Happy Birthday, Marine Officer Romel Robles! On Friday, our little boy turns into an adult as he turns 18. Party in advance while enjoying the temporary break from the Academy. Happy Birthday, Cadet Praise Camacho Bisleg! All the best, guys! Make the country proud!
Have a blessed Sunday, everyone. Enjoy the long weekend! Paminsan-minsan lang 'to!
Nice post!